Art/Music Hitory Shirts (2013)
silkscreen with T-shirt
installation view 1 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
installation view 2 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
installation view 3 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
installation view 4 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
installation view 5 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
installation view 6 ,at Ai Kowada Gallery (2013)
5 - 6
Art/Music History shirts (2013)
At concert venues for not just rock, but for metal, hardcore, and punk, T-shirts function to represent one’ s background, thereby serving as a useful communication tool. This work is to organize and represent my own art and music background.